Be in Rhythm with Jesus
Our mission is to make disciples who will live and love like Jesus. To do that, we commit to following Jesus and to making several rhythms of discipleship a priority in our lives.
These rhythms aren’t necessarily a linear process. Each rhythm is simply a “part of the whole.” Take away one or two of the rhythms, and life starts to look incomplete.
Don’t know where to start? No problem! Our team would love to sit down with you to talk about where to start! Choose Start A Rhythm below to give us a little information about yourself, then we’ll be in touch this week to start a conversation with you.

We GATHER weekly to align our hearts to God and our lives to his mission.

We CONNECT in life-giving smaller groups to help one another follow Jesus.

We SERVE our home, church family, and community to make God’s love known.

We SHARE our faith and invite others because Jesus makes a difference.

We GIVE generously to deepen our trust in God and to impact the lives of others.
We gather weekly to align our hearts to God and our lives to His mission. As a church, most of our gatherings happen on Sunday mornings.
To learn more about our locations and gathering times, see the Locations button below.

We connect in life-giving smaller groups to help one another follow Jesus. When we do this we find community with one another outside of our work and family – think of this as a “third-place” between work and home where you can find friendships that will challenge you!
We serve our home, church family, and community to make God’s love known. Serving others is what Jesus did, every day of his life. When we serve, others take notice and this is what transforms our community for lifetimes!

We share our faith and invite others because Jesus makes a difference. The story of Jesus’ life is real and when others learn more about it, their lives change forever! If you’re ready to make the commitment to your One Life, let us know by using the One Life button.
We give generously to deepen our trust in God and to impact the lives of others. Let’s be real, it takes a lot to trust others with our finances, but we believe that everything we have is God’s anyway – so – giving back a portion helps us trust Him even more. When we do this, we impact the lives of others through the work of the local church.

Ready to start a Rhythm?
Contact us at the link below and we’ll get in touch with you shortly to help you get started!