The For Everyone Campaign
Over fifty years ago in Bellevue, two couples founded Calvary Christian Church in a modest living room. As their dedication grew, so did the church’s community, emphasizing the message that Jesus is for everyone. Today, we strive to deepen our faith and reach those distant from Jesus, understanding the crucial role of faith in contemporary challenges. Our goal is to be a multi-generational church supporting young families. We have been reflecting upon two key questions: “How can our church family better reach and disciple young families?” and “How can we more effectively serve our community?” As we navigate these questions, our mission strategy remains rooted in addressing the community’s immediate needs.
Partner with Us
Join us in shaping the future of Calvary with a generous initial gift and a three-year monthly commitment, as your support is important in bringing this vision to life. We couldn’t do this without you!
Campaign Booklet
We’ve outlined everything we have planned to do during the For Everyone campaign in a booklet. You can pick one up at any location on Sunday mornings, or click the button below to flip through the digital version!
Project Updates
South Work Begins!
Calvary – work has begun in a big way at our Bellevue South location! If you’ve been by, you’ve seen that the construction fence is now up around the site, but inside – lots of things are changing! Demolition has started as we clear the way for additional seats in the auditorium and additional classrooms. In total, we’ll have 5 additional classrooms for Calvary Kids and 825 seats for those in the Worship Service. Here’s a peek! Stay tuned for more information and pictures as work progresses.
At Shadow Lake, work continues as we narrow down the contractors and partners for the renovations there. We anticipate work in the lobby, auditorium, and exterior this summer.
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For Everyone Overview
Imagine what our community would look like if twice as many lives were impacted by the love and grace of Jesus. That’s what the For Everyone campaign is all about. Watch the video and learn about all of our plans!
For Our Ones
As a church, we want to create an inviting, safe, and exciting space where everyone feels welcome. This means creating fresh and intentional gathering spaces for kids and adults where they can learn and grow together.
Bellevue South
We’re renovating the Worship Center to increase seating from 600 to 800 and enhancing our kid’s classrooms for safety and appeal. A new lobby will connect the Worship and Kids areas, acting as a hub for connections and weekly gatherings. With these changes, our two Bellevue campuses will merge, making it clearer and more inviting for first-time guests.

Bellevue North
The “Bellevue North Worship Center” will become a multi-purpose space with a sports court for activities like basketball and pickleball and will host large community events. The west end will have Calvary staff offices, co-working spaces, and meeting rooms, optimizing our community-to-office space ratio. The Venue on the east will remain a small “Worship Center” for events like weddings and “view only” Sunday services, live-streaming the full service alongside coffee and community interactions.
Shadow Lake
We’ll remodel the Lobby for more seating and space efficiency, and enhance both the interior and exterior of our kids’ classrooms with age-appropriate furnishings and technology. The Worship Center will get a makeover with new paint, tech updates, and improved seating and accessibility. Externally, we’ll expand the parking lot with added lighting and extend the playground to cater to older kids, providing extra seating for parents.

For Our Community
We want to continue to be a champion for the community through our mission strategy and by addressing current and relevant needs.
A Home for the Sarpy Care Center
We’re increasing the space dedicated to the Sarpy Care Center, as well as the visibility to the community. More space means more food and diapers at a lower cost. We want the community to “see” the care center when they drive by, recognizing it as a place where they could point others for help and care.

More Counseling Offices at Bellevue
We’re increasing the number of counseling offices available at our Bellevue location. Ideally, we would have room for 10+ counselors as well as dedicated group counseling spaces. This work will help to support our work with Within Reach, our citywide church network as we join together to increase awareness for mental health and work to create a pipeline of licensed counselors here in the Sarpy County and surrounding area.
Impact Our Community
As we work to reach and serve our community, we’re listening to and learning from those who are already doing great work. Each year as these needs are identified, we come alongside of these groups and organizations to catalyze their efforts. This year is no different – in fact, we’ve designated 10% of our campaign goal ($350k) to fund the initiatives God has placed before us through the Impact Fund 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions! If you have a specific question, or would like to know more about something, click the button below and our team will reach out to you!
What is the For Everyone campaign?
Through much thought and prayer, we believe God is calling us to impact twice as many lives with the Gospel in the coming years. With some unique work, we believe God has positioned us to have double the impact in capacity and community outreach – both in Bellevue and in Papillion.
Our heartbeat has always been to make disciples who serve the community and reach out to our ‘Ones.’ We recognize the needs we have to expand our spaces at our Bellevue and Shadow Lake locations to accommodate more invitees and to create more space for our community service areas.
Our Sarpy Care Center requires a larger dedicated space to assist more people with Food, Diapers, and Hygiene Supplies. The demand for counseling surpasses our current capacity, so we’re adding additional counseling spaces where there is available room.
What are we planning at Bellevue South?
At our south building, we will add new, permanent seating sections to the Worship Center to increase capacity. We will also refresh and maximize our kids classroom spaces and security. This will all be connected by a new lobby space added to the front of the building.
With the increased capacity of the south building,
we’ll combine our two Bellevue campuses to eliminate confusion for first-time guests. With the work planned, the south building will be easy to see and drawn to when guests arrive.
What are we planning at Bellevue North?
At our north building, we will transform the Worship Center into a multi-purpose space, equipped for sports and other medium/large events. Once construction of the south building is complete, we will then renovate the remainder of the north building, including increased counseling space, a permanent home for the Sarpy Care Center, and new staff offices.
The Venue will continue to serve as our small “Worship Center,” hosting smaller weddings and events. We will also host Sunday Morning, “view only” services in The Venue. These services will have a live stream of the full service complete with coffee and community.
Why are we combining our Bellevue North and South campuses?
In 2016, we expanded our Bellevue campus by launching a second building on the same property, a unique approach as we didn’t know of any other churches that had two different buildings on the same property, trying something like this. This move provided more seats and kids’ spaces but also led to long-term challenges. Guests arriving for the first time find it confusing to navigate the two buildings, impacting their experience and decision to return.
What if I serve at one of the Bellevue Campuses, will I be able to continue to serve in the areas I have invested in?
Absolutely! Just like the need for staff won’t change when we combine, the need for those serving will be even more significant as the campus grows. Team leaders and staff will soon be working with those who are serving in order to combine schedules, assess needs for additional volunteers, and begin assimilating these two teams into one.
If we have to move out of the Bellevue South building during construction, where will we have services and other programming?
During the construction phase, we’ll utilize the Bellevue North facility for all combined services and programs. The South facility won’t be accessible to allow full access for contractors. Plans are being developed to maximize the number of seats and kids’ classrooms. We might need to introduce a third service to ensure adequate space as our growth continues.
We’re also encouraging those living near the Shadow Lake Campus to consider attending there while space is limited in Bellevue. This not only eases the crowding at Bellevue but also supports our efforts to reach more people in Papillion.
Will we have an Impact Fund for 2024?
Yes! The total needed for the “For Everyone” campaign includes funding for the Impact Fund initiatives in 2024. This means that even though we won’t have a separate time later this year to give specifically toward the Impact Fund, your commitment and lead gift to the campaign will fund the Impact Fund’s needs for 2024. We will continue our “season of Impact” once again in November 2024.
How long will the “For Everyone” campaign last and what will the project cost?
This campaign will be 3 years in length. Financial commitments may be made so they can be fulfilled over this total period of time. This project is budgeted to cost between $3.5 and $4M. This includes renovations at the Bellevue and Shadow Lake Campuses and the Impact Fund for 2024.
When will we start and complete the work at the Bellevue Campus?
Planning has already begun for this work – however, physical work will begin soon after Easter 2024. We aim to open the renovated Kid’s Spaces, Auditorium, and Lobby on or by Easter 2025.
What are the ways that people can give toward the “For Everyone” campaign?
On Sunday, November 19, we’ll have the opportunity
to make commitments to the campaign. These commitments can include an initial “lead gift” and a financial commitment to be fulfilled over the campaign’s duration. You can give through online, check, or cash. When giving online, please use “For Everyone Campaign,” or specify it on the check memo.
We’ve also set up procedures for receiving non-cash and investment-based gifts. “Gifts in Kind” encompass items of value, which may include personal items, property, or assets. One effective way to contribute is through stock donations, often providing tax benefits to the donor. Our policies for both investment gifts and Gifts in Kind involve receiving and liquidating them as soon as possible.
For more details or questions, please contact Aaron Asay at [email protected].
Get Involved
To achieve and fund this work, we’re launching a new 3-year campaign called For Everyone. Our goal for this campaign is to raise $3.5 Million. We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and together, we can make this vision a reality. This work isn’t just for us; it’s for every family, every friend, every neighbor, every generation, and, relationally, for everyone.
As we prepare for this campaign, we’re asking each person at Calvary to make two specific commitments.
- Make a relational commitment to someone close to you but far from God. As you think about this relationship, use this prayer: God, who do You want to reach through me? Watch for who God places in your everyday life, and be ready to respond when it’s clear who he wants you to reach.
- Make a financial commitment as we work to bring this vision to life. As you think about your commitment, pray and ask: God, what do You want to give through me? We’re asking everyone at Calvary to make a sacrificial commitment, going beyond your current giving level. This commitment includes a lead gift to kickstart the campaign and a monthly commitment over the next three years.
Here’s how far your gift could go!
It’s not about equal gifts but equal sacrifice. Here’s an example of how impactful your gift can be during our three-year campaign.

Projected Timeline
Here’s a helpful guide to help you see when and where the work will be done during the 3-year, For Everyone Campaign.
Bellevue North Readiness
We will work to get the North Campus ready for combined services once construction begins at Bellevue South.
Bellevue Campuses Combine
Phase 1 Construction
Phase 2 Construction
If you have a specific question or would like to know more about the For Everyone campaign, click the button below and our team will reach out to you!