We’re just a few weeks past “Celebration Sunday,” and we’re excited to announce we’re ready to start our first project!
Starting Monday, December 18, we’ll be starting the flooring project in the Bellevue North Auditorium. This project includes new, “Teraflex” sports flooring, allowing us to host basketball and pickleball events. We’ll also remove the carpet in the lobby, grinding, then sealing the concrete floor. Check out the image above to see what this new flooring will look like. (This is just an example, not intended to be a picture of our space.)
All of this begins the transition from the “Bellevue North Campus” to the Multipurpose Space. We’re excited to see how the community uses this new space!
So – this starts on December 18th, and our goal is to finish in time for us to have services there in North on January 14th. If you attend the North Campus, here’s what’s happening during that time:
- December 23rd/24th – Christmas Services at Bellevue South or Shadow Lake
- December 31st – Combined Sunday morning services at Bellevue South
- January 7th – Combined Sunday morning services at Bellevue South
- January 14th – Services resume at Bellevue North
Stay tuned for more pictures and updates as we move forward!